
Quantum Robotics Hyenid Generation 6 (Texture Overlay)

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Quantum Robotics Hyenid Generation 6 (Texture Overlay)


Quantum Robotics Hyenid Generation Six "The Final Generation"

After many months of being in the works the Generation Six is finally finished. This will be the last Generation for a while and it may get updated with new versions in the future!

This product comes with:

  • Substance Painter 11.0.0 Smart Materials
  • Generation Six Eye PNG Files

This product requires Substance Painter 11.0.0 At the moment but will be updated to be more accessible for people who don't own substance. A Unity material will be added in the future!

If you require help with sorting out the texture because you don't own Substance Painter please message me on Discord!


BUY THE BASE MODEL HERE FROM ABLER'S STORE!: https://alber.gumroad.com/l/Hyenid

Big thanks to these lot:

CyberByker, Jojo, Alber, Liindy, SickHekker, Zares, VulgarVictor, Reval, Sammy, Russian Bert And many more names that will be added soon so don't feel left out!

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